Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Genetic Engineering Is Morally Good Essay - 1251 Words

Determining if genetic engineering is morally good is only half the battle with this ethical issue. Regardless of whether morally good reasons are used to justify it, genetic engineering is an attempt to use human intelligence in order to try to overthrow God’s original creation or plan for humans. Scientist are trying to perfect his creation or change it. God has laid out the way things should happen naturally and humans are attempting to overthrow it. A key word to note is â€Å"attempt† because Scotus would see genetic engineering as a failed attempt at playing God because he believes that God is all powerful and it would be impossible for a human to possess that same type of power. In the article â€Å"Freedom Beyond Practice Reason: Duns Scotus on Will- Dependent Relations† the author Tobias Hoffmann discusses freedom of will according to Scotus. Hoffmann explains that, â€Å"for Scotus, the will is free to will any good either for its own sake alone†¦ or for the sake of something else.† (Hoffmann 1077). God gave humans the freedom of will which allows individuals to live a life they choice. This means an individual could choice a life of virtue or a life of sin and God would not intentionally interfere in their life and force that individual to choose God’s preferred path of righteousness. God has given humans a choice, and permits them to do what they want with their own lives. Likewise, God has given humans intelligence and what humans do with their intelligence is also up to themShow MoreRelatedThe s Natural Law Theory1219 Words   |  5 PagesThe specific challenges that I will discuss are: Birth control, cloning, genetic engineering, and homosexuality. 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