Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Marketing Consumer Behavior Singtel Telecommunication Company

Question: Examine about the Marketing Consumer Behavior Singtel Telecommunication Company. Answer: Organization foundation SingTel is the top most media transmission organization of Singapore and it was joined in the year 1992 with named as Telecommunications Equipment. In the year 1993, it turned into an open part organization and it has the yearly income just about 12600 dollars. The organization has just about 600 million clients at present from right around 25 nations and the organization works a significant distance connection with the client (Solomon, 2014). The global submarine link system of the organization gives the association of just about 100 nations with Singapore. The organization SingTel portable is the primary administrators that dispatch iPhone in Singapore in the year 2008. SingTel is the Singapores biggest system administrators. Organization PESTLE Political Analysis Media transmission organizations including the SingTel organization have gone into the time of the advanced innovation. To fulfill the interest of the clients the organization is the pattern toward the progression, deregulation, and privatization. For SingTel, these adjustments in the organization make numerous difficulties and opportunity moreover. The organization is invigorating progressively inventive thoughts and administrations for the market and the clients. Financial matters Analysis The factor that is influencing the SingTel Company legitimately is the financial matters factor. The expanded limit level for the association to exchange at the global level is the greatest open door for the organization (Anderson He, 2015). To different, the economy Singapore government has done an overwhelming venture and for that, the SingTel Company is likewise having the chance. The development in all the financial segments is a lot of successful for the development of the SingTel Company. Social Analysis Singapore is the blend social culture of Malays, Eurasians, Chinese, and Indians. The individuals of the Singapore are changing their ways of life with the adjustment in the time and they all are getting computerized. For the difference in the way of life and propensity for the individuals, the telecom organizations are likewise changing (Lindquist et al., 2015). Clients are a lot of connected with the utilization of the cell phones and web and for that, the SingTel Company set their market to fulfill their clients need. Innovative Analysis The innovation of the telecom business has changed a great deal in the ongoing years. Every single new assistance like web, web based business and other telecom administrations are presented in the market. SingTel additionally spread all the administrations like other telecom organization however their exceptional recognizable proof is the web based movement and web based business (Hantula Wells, 2014). SingTel has the most cutting edge innovation for the client and they give the best system to the clients. SingTel Company procedure for the drawn out development is to put more in the innovation. Lawful Analysis The IDA has taken the choice for Sing Tel's exception solicitation of the individual markets and client section to be appropriate for the organization. This will assist the organization with getting the exception from predominant guideline (Lantos, 2015). To start with, the organization was an imposing business model organization yet now they are the biggest telecom organization in Singapore. SWOT examination SingTel Company has the solid market position in Singapore as it is the biggest telecom organization in Singapore (Loveland, 2016). They give the best system to the client and furthermore for the group of people yet to come and they have right around 600 million clients. SingTel has the most trend setting innovation for the client and they give the best system to the clients. Their primary shortcoming is that they did a terrible act of procurement that is they think they are the one in particular who is the best on the planet and can do anything. One a greater amount of their shortcomings are that they give their 90% concentration in the market of Singapore instead of growing their exchange. Their highest open door is that the market of Singapore if full with the individuals of China, India, Malaysia and Eurasia so they have the best chance to create in the market (Weller et al., 2015). Their fundamental danger is the opposition of the other telecom organizations as a result of diffe rent organizations they need to change their estimating methodology for the clients (Vinerean et al., 2013). Their one more danger is that the innovation is changing quick and to be in the realm of digitization they need to confront numerous difficulties. SWOT Analysis Qualities They have solid market position They give the system of the people to come They have the high piece of the overall industry in the Singapore advertise They have the most cutting edge innovation Shortcomings They had an exceptionally awful act of obtaining They give a lot of spotlight on the Singapore showcase They gave exceptionally helpless exertion for the connection with the clients Openings They have the best market portion in Singapore advertise Their satellite and data innovation fiber is additionally exceptionally advance Their system administrations and portable information are additionally the best in the market They are drifting to rise the M2M correspondence for example Machine to machine Dangers Increment in the quantity of the contenders Innovation are changing in a fast manner They face extraordinary effect on activity for the administrative changes Target showcase depiction SingTel is the media transmission organization of Singapore and their principle target is the Singapore showcase and the clients. In Singapore, the organization gets various sections of individuals particularly the individuals from India, China, Eurasia and Malaysia (Inoue Kent, 2014). So to focus available of the Singapore dependent on the four fragments of clients is the greatest chance of the organization. Singapore is the solid nation with the media transmission area and SingTel is the biggest and the top most organization of Singapore. Their objective market is the whole city of Singapore and their objective advertisers are the individuals from India, China, Eurasia, and Malaysia. Their objective is to get the greatest number of the client and to turn into the top most telecom organization on the planet (Xiang et al., 2015). At present they have just about 600 million clients and the most extreme is from the Singapore. They have numerous contenders like Ericsson, Star Hub and so on yet they despite everything hold their market position in the Singapore advertise as the top most administrators of the system administrations (Cantallops Salvi, 2014). They fragment their market according to the starting point of the individuals and furthermore according to the age of the clients on the grounds that the youthful ages are the person who is utilizing the innovation most. So their principle target markets are the clients of the Singapore since they are a lot of proposed towards the utilization of the system administrations. Dynamic procedure Need acknowledgment It is essential to underhand the ideal significance and the execution of the dynamic procedure as it helps in expanding the adequacy of the work procedures of the firm concerned. It is characterized s the primary fundamental advance of the buyer purchasing conduct which is here and there called as the difficult distinguishing proof (Zhao et al., 2014). It happens when the individual client has an interest or need which isn't satisfied. In this progression, the real need of the purchaser is comprehended and hence after this SingTel can help the clients in a compelling manner. Data search The inquiry of the ideal data is vital as it helps in assessing the ideal need of the clients from the administrations conveyed to the concerned clients (Papadopoulos Heslop, 2014). It is in this manner significant for the supervisory group of SingTel to lead a powerful exploration strategy so as to draw out the applicable data in regards to the assessment of the need and the requests of the clients all through the market fragments concerned. This progression additionally prompts the hazard the board systems and these should be assessed adequately. Assessment of the Alternatives It has been seen that if the client sets a decision for the specific acquisition of the item then the individual searches for the best arrangement that can get from the separate market. There come a few components with respect to the acquisition of the item, for example, value, quality and the unwavering quality of the administrations or the items offered by the association (Kardes et al., 2014). Consequently, it turns out to be increasingly significant for SingTel to think of viable systems with the goal that the ideal productivity can be expanded to a huge degree. Buy choice This is one of the most significant advances that help in giving the ideal height in the execution of the business procedures of the association (Zeugner-Roth et al., 2015). The buy choices are one which helps in expanding the ideal deals for a specific item or administrations offered to the association. Affecting techniques should be embraced by the supervisory crew so as to expand the selling of the items and administrations offered by the association. Post buy assessment It is the last advance of the dynamic procedure which helps in getting to the shopper in regards agreeable to him concerning the acquisition of the item or the administration. It is simply founded on the fulfillment level accomplished by the client with respect to the acquisition of the item (Godey et al., 2016). The supervisory group brute SingTel needs to distinguish the fulfillment level of every one of its buyers as it will help in assessing the viability of the business forms concerned. Two social impacts on purchasing conduct Two of the social impacts influencing the shopper or the purchaser conduct are reference gatherings and the job in the general public. These assume the most imperative job in impacting the conduct of the purchaser with respect to the acquisition of the specific item. the reference bunches comprise f the companions, relatives, family members and the colleagues which share their encounters with respect to the utilization of the items and aides in expanding the deals of that specific item (Goh et al., 2013). The following is the recognizable proof of the job of

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Porter’s Five Forces Model Essay Example for Free

Porter’s Five Forces Model Essay Porter’s five powers model aides in getting to where the force lies in a business circumstance. Porter’s Model is really a business methodology device that helps in investigating the appeal in an industry structure. It let you get to current quality of your serious position and the quality of the position that you are wanting to achieve. Doormen Model is viewed as a significant piece of arranging device set. When you’re clear about where the force lies, you can exploit your qualities and can improve the shortcomings and can contend productively and viably. Doormen model of serious powers accept that there are five serious powers that recognizes the serious force in a business circumstance. These five serious powers distinguished by the Michael Porter are: 1. Danger of substitute items 2. Danger of new contestants 3. Extraordinary competition among existing players 4. Dealing intensity of providers 5. Dealing intensity of Buyers 1. Danger of substitute items Danger of substitute items implies how effectively your clients can change to your rivals item. Danger of substitute is high when: * There are many substitute items accessible * Customer can undoubtedly discover the item or administration that you’re offering at the equivalent or less cost * Quality of the competitors’ item is better * Substitute item is by an organization acquiring high benefits so can lessen costs to the most reduced level. In the previously mentioned circumstances, Customer can without much of a stretch change to substitute items. So substitutes are a danger to your organization. When there are genuine and potential substitute items accessible at that point fragment is ugly. Benefits and costs are affected by substitutes along these lines, there is have to intently screen value patterns. In substitute businesses, on the off chance that opposition rises or innovation modernizes, at that point costs and benefits decay. 2. Danger of new contestants Another passage of a contender into your market likewise debilitates your capacity. Danger of new section relies on passage and leave boundaries. Danger of new section is high when: * Capital prerequisites to begin the business are less * Few economies of scale are set up * Customers can without much of a stretch switch (low exchanging cost) * Your key innovation isn't difficult to get or isn’t ensured well * Your item isn't separated There is variety in appeal of fragment contingent on passage and leave obstructions. That section is increasingly appealing which has high passage hindrances and low leave boundaries. Some new firms go into industry and low performing organizations leave the market without any problem. At the point when both section and leave obstructions are high at that point net revenue is additionally high however organizations face more hazard since terrible showing organizations remain in and battle it out. At the point when these boundaries are low at that point firms effectively enter and leave the business, benefit is low. The most exceedingly awful condition is when section boundaries are low and leave hindrances are high then in great occasions firms enter and it become hard to exit in terrible occasions. 3. Industry Rivalry Industry contention mean the force of rivalry among the current rivals in the market. Power of contention relies upon the quantity of contenders and their abilities. Industry contention is high when: * There are number of little or equivalent contenders and less when there’s a reasonable market pioneer. * Customers have low exchanging costs * Industry is developing * Exit boundaries are high and adversaries remain and contend * Fixed expense are high coming about immense creation and decrease in costs These circumstances make the purposes behind publicizing wars, cost wars, adjustments, at last costs increment and it is hard to contend. 4. Dealing intensity of providers Dealing Power of provider implies how solid is the situation of a merchant. How much your provider have authority over expanding the Price ofâ supplies. Providers are all the more impressive when * Suppliers are focused and efficient * a couple of substitutes accessible to provisions * Their item is best or novel * Switching cost, starting with one providers then onto the next, is high * You are not a significant client to Supplier At the point when providers have more authority over provisions and its costs that fragment is less appealing. It is most ideal approach to make win-win connection with providers. It’s smart thought to have multi-wellsprings of flexibly. 5. Haggling intensity of Buyers Haggling Power of Buyers implies, How much control the purchasers need to drive down your items cost, Can they cooperate in requesting enormous volumes. Purchasers have all the more bartering power when: * Few purchasers pursuing such a large number of products * Buyer buys in mass amounts * Product isn't separated * Buyer’s cost of changing to a competitors’ item is low * Shopping cost is low * Buyers are value delicate * Credible Threat of coordination Buyer’s bartering force might be let somewhere around offering separated item. In the event that you’re serving a couple yet immense amount requesting purchasers, at that point they have the ability to direct you. Michael Porters five powers model gives valuable contribution to SWOT Analysis and is considered as a solid apparatus for industry serious investigation.

Friday, August 21, 2020


Part 1 The Problem and its Background Introduction The term RFID alludes to Radio Frequency Identification, an innovation which uses radio waves to consequently recognize things or individuals. Most ordinarily this includes the utilization of a RFID tag and a peruser gadget. By and large terms, Radio Frequency Identification frameworks comprise of a RFID tag (ordinarily numerous labels) and a cross examiner or peruser. The examiner emanates a field of electromagnetic waves from a recieving wire, which are consumed by the tag. The ingested vitality is utilized to control the tag’s microchip and a sign that incorporates the label distinguishing proof number is sent back to the interrogator.The utilization of a remote non-contact framework that utilizations radio frequencyâ electromagnetic fieldsâ to move information from a label appended to an article, for the reasons for programmed recognizable proof and following. A few labels require no battery and are fueled and perused at short ranges by means of attractive fields (electromagnetic enlistment). Backround of the Study Tanauan Institute has just been utilizing the Library System. Since the establishment is as of now utilizing such innovation, these will be the first run through for the organization to utilize Radio Frequency Identification.The scientists thought of amplifying its utilization by making a framework that will follow the understudies who obtained books, which will have RFID stickers for checking purposes, in the library. At present, the school’s library is utilizing the â€Å"Library System† in observing the books, which has various confinements. It isn't equipped for creating reports that can decide the books that are for the most part acquired which can assist them with choosing the quantity of a specific book they will buy later on. It is likewise utilizing Microsoft Visual Basic for the system’s database which can just store extremely restricted information.On the other hand, the framework that the library is utilizing in recording the participation of the clients can't help them in distinguishing the library clients of the month. The administrators need to physically check the occasions every understudy had signed in the framework. In conclusion, they have additionally no methods for reminding the library clients with respect to their acquired book Statement of the Problem Not fit for creating reports that can decide the books that are generally obtained. No methods for reminding the library clients in regards to about their obtained books. Manual tallying the occasions every understudy had signed in the framework. Destinations of the StudyGenerally, the scientists plan to structure and build up a framework that would improve the utilization of the present Library System with the assistance of RFID in the said Institute. In particular, the investigation means to: Design and build up a framework that will produce reports to decide the pattern in book obtaining Use MySQL for the system’s database Determine the library clients of the month in only a tick of a catch Remind the understudies and employees in regards to their acquired books Test and assess the system’s exactness and unwavering quality Scope and Delimitation There would be a few restrictions to the task that ought to be taken into consideration.This study constrains its inclusion to the understudies of the Tanauan Institute as it were. It will be directed for two semesters which comprises of 10 months. Two low recurrence ACR122U Smart Card Readers will be utilized for the framework: one for the checking of books and the other one for the account of the participation. The framework will be written in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. The database that will be consolidated with such is Microsoft My SQL. It will execute just in stages running Windows Operating System. The utilizations of the framework will just cover the observing of books and following of the borrowers.Other unavoidable conditions, for example, power interferences and speed of access, and other progressively complex zones of RFID Technology, for example, making sure about the information, are no longer piece of the examination. Reasonable Framework For the specialists to have the option to concoct a Radio Frequency Identification Reloading System, they will require entirely adaptable and flexible information in utilizing the VB. NET programming language and in utilizing the MS Server 2008. They will likewise be requiring materials, for example, ACS Readers, labels which ought to be good with the peruser and a work area running Windows working system.The related outside and nearby examinations and writing would likewise be of huge guide to them in light of the given data and issues with arrangements of these materials. With all the information, the materials to be utilized and the related assets, the scientists should cautiously design the entire investigation whic h will be the establishment of their examination all in all, accumulate and break down information before they plan and code the framework. After the coding stage, the analysts need to test and assess their examination. On the off chance that important, changes ought to be done to consummate the framework. Calculated ParadigmBelow is the figure of the theoretical worldview of the examination: NOTE:::: REVISED PARADIGM MAKE A NEW DIAGRAM.. Spot IT HERE!!!.. Figure 2. Worldview of the examination Definition of Terms Accuracy †is a quality of a solid framework accomplished from various tests and assessment. Flow Management †is a division in the library which is accountable for dealing with the obtaining and the returning of library materials. Assortment Management-is a division in the library which is responsible for keeping up the assortment of the library materials through including or refreshing records.Database †is a composed assortment of information required for pu tting away, refreshing, recovering and seeing data for a specific framework. Library Management System †is the framework which will be a guide for observing the books and following and reminding the borrowers in a specific library. Radio Frequency Identification †is one of the most up to date recognizable proof innovations that utilization electromagnetic fields to move and read information that will be incorporated by the specialists in this examination. Part 2 Related Literature and Studies A. Related Literature Foreign LiteratureHolloway (June 2006), Microsoft EMEA Manufacturing Industry Solutions Architect, composed a white paper which clarified the parts of an essential RFID framework and how it functions. As indicated by him, a RFID framework is made out of three significant bits of gear, for example, (1) a little radio gadget called a tag, or the transponder, which contains the information, (2) the peruser, or the examiner, that transmits and gathers information to be downloaded from and transferred to the tag, and (3) the host PC introduced with a RFID programming to process the information into important information.Daniel (2004) sums up the activity in a fundamental RFID framework as talked about underneath: First, the label will enter the RF field of the Reader at that point, the RF sign resolution the Tag that will transmit the ID with other information which, then again, will be sent to the PC by the Reader. At that point, the PC will be the one sending information to the Reader which will be transmitted to the tag. In a paper distributed by Mitrokotsa and Douligeri (2009), â€Å"Integrated RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications†, they talked about and separate RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technologies.They additionally examined why these advancements ought to be actualized to different fields of business and their necessities. Since the advocates will utilize RFID, the tips, which are demonstrated comp elling, given in this investigation on the most proficient method to have better RFID-based frameworks will be of huge assistance in leading their examination. Soldatos (2010) figured an examination entitled Rich Client Application for RFID EPCIS Repository wherein he made programming which proposed to give an UML-like graphical portrayal of the business areas, and read purposes of an undertaking with a more easy to understand RFID-based programming system.Dhanalakshmi and Mamatha (n. d. ) composed a paper wherein they examined the undertaking that they made entitled â€Å"RFID Based Library Management System† which is fundamentally the same as the examination being led by the defenders. In their study’s decision, they have shown and demonstrated that RFID in the library accelerates its exchanges, for example, book acquiring, returning, looking through therefore empowers staff to accomplish a greater amount of its obligations. Mutigwe and Aghdasi (n. d. likewise led an investigation entitled â€Å"Research Trends in RFID Technology† wherein they have given consideration at proceeding with look into exercises in the field of RFID and discussed the conceivable significant weights that RFID Technology is confronting today, for example, protection, significant expenses, and social and legitimate concerns. Nearby Literature Garcia (2009) made an examination, â€Å"Student Recognition Using Radio Frequency Identification for Tarlac State University†, which was embraced to build up a framework that would bolster and improve the present method for recognizing understudies at Tarlac State University.The framework is equipped for bringing in exceed expectations documents to refresh understudy records. Through the pictures and the data showed by the framework, security officials think that its simple to distinguish the understudies entering the school grounds. Reports can be produced for organization and documenting purposes. The worry of secu rity was likewise tended to in light of the fact that the framework can control clients and produce indispensable records. Like the investigation of the advocates, the framework that they will make can likewise produce reports for observing and stock purposes.Another study which additionally centered around the record keeping of understudies who enter and leave the school premises is the â€Å"Design of RFID Interface System: A Prototype† directed by Engr. Dellosa (2007). He planned a hardware fit for demonstrating the appearance and flight of the understudies so that the understudies can likewise be told. He additionally created programming fit for catching and recording the student’s names together with their season of appearance and takeoff inside t

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Summer College Admissions Reading

Summer College Admissions Reading July 4, 2013 Reading over the summer months can set you apart in the highly selective college admissions process (photo credit: Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA). Its summertime and what better time is there during the year than summer to read books for pleasure? If youre a rising high school senior, reading for pleasure over the summer will give you the added benefit of improving your odds of admission to highly selective colleges. Thats right highly selective colleges want readers. A love of reading, after all, conveys a deep intellectual curiosity and thats precisely what admissions officers at these schools are looking for. Why would they want to admit students who dont enjoy reading? Theyd have one boring, intellectually inferior class then, now wouldnt they? Many high school students write about books in their college essays. And thats a great thing! But too many of these essays focus on books that are obvious required reading in high school. Yes, The Great Gatsby is required reading at just about every high school across America. Same with To Kill A Mockingbird. And with The Scarlet Letter. Yes, Hamlet, too! Really you think Beowulf isnt required reading in most schools across this country? It is. Same with Of Mice and Men. Youre not fooling anybody! So spend the summer reading books that arent on your high schools required reading list. Walk around a Barnes Noble. Smell the books. Touch the glossy covers. Peruse all of the books that you do and dont want to read and pick some out to buy. Or sit in the store all day long and just read. Nobodys going to stop you. Try to find a rocking chair. There are always a few in each store. Its coveted real estate. Find books that you can really connect with and maybe youll be able to write about these books in your college admissions essays so that you come across as intellectually curious. Not to mention youll enjoy reading the books and itll make you smarter!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Genetic Engineering Is Morally Good Essay - 1251 Words

Determining if genetic engineering is morally good is only half the battle with this ethical issue. Regardless of whether morally good reasons are used to justify it, genetic engineering is an attempt to use human intelligence in order to try to overthrow God’s original creation or plan for humans. Scientist are trying to perfect his creation or change it. God has laid out the way things should happen naturally and humans are attempting to overthrow it. A key word to note is â€Å"attempt† because Scotus would see genetic engineering as a failed attempt at playing God because he believes that God is all powerful and it would be impossible for a human to possess that same type of power. In the article â€Å"Freedom Beyond Practice Reason: Duns Scotus on Will- Dependent Relations† the author Tobias Hoffmann discusses freedom of will according to Scotus. Hoffmann explains that, â€Å"for Scotus, the will is free to will any good either for its own sake alone†¦ or for the sake of something else.† (Hoffmann 1077). God gave humans the freedom of will which allows individuals to live a life they choice. This means an individual could choice a life of virtue or a life of sin and God would not intentionally interfere in their life and force that individual to choose God’s preferred path of righteousness. God has given humans a choice, and permits them to do what they want with their own lives. Likewise, God has given humans intelligence and what humans do with their intelligence is also up to themShow MoreRelatedThe s Natural Law Theory1219 Words   |  5 PagesThe specific challenges that I will discuss are: Birth control, cloning, genetic engineering, and homosexuality. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Taking a Look at Terrorism - 587 Words

An emerging topic within our society is how we deal with enemy combatants and suspected and confirmed terrorists within the United States. While substantial information is available regarding the legal remedies that these individuals are offered once they are captured and incarcerated, little scholarly research exists to really analyze whether or not our legal methods, incarceration techniques, and prevention are effective at all. Furthermore, there is an emerging field that is more narrowly focused on the behavior of terrorists, their interactions and response to societies, and what determinants best characterize terrorism. This study seeks to analyze several questions. One, how can the behavior of terrorists, more specifically their inclinations to incite violence as a means for individual and group level motivations be explained. Second, what characteristics, demographics or behaviors best predict the decision to commit acts of terrorism at the group and individual levels and the corresponding severity that of the act that ensues. Lastly, through our review of the literature and analyses we seek to better understand the developing theoretical paradigm that encompasses terrorism studies. While the emergence of terrorism is not a new phenomena, terrorism studies are, and will be benefited by further scholarly work and conversations regarding terrorism and can be backed by researched will inevitably enable the field to grow (Jackson et al. 2008). Sandler (2014) believesShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Terrorism1004 Words   |  4 PagesNobody could ever imagine how frightful of the terrorism until it really happened. The major event that happened on September 11th, 2001 was the unexpected attack from the terrorists towards Americans. Not only Americans, but also the whole world was deep into fear. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bias in Womens Sports free essay sample

The world of sports is strictly dominated by a male hegemonic structure, which is not exactly welcoming to the thought or idea of sharing this love of sports with the opposite sex. The term hegemony is defined as the dominance of one state or group of individuals over the others. Although women have shown a passionate interest for sports, their ability to join this culturally powerful organization as respected professionals has not been completely accomplished. They have been given opportunities to participate in athletic areas that are not the most culturally popular venues within American culture (i. e. golf, gymnastics, swimming, and tennis), but their inception and respected entrance into the American conglomerates of the sports world (i. e. basketball, baseball, and football) have been favorably denied. Men suffocating treasure their superior domination of this cultural superstructure and fear the idea of allowing the opposite sex entrance into their precious stratum. We will write a custom essay sample on Bias in Womens Sports or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mens ultimate trepidation is sports not being only their secret possession. Women have passionately fought to prove themselves as strong enough, knowledgeable enough, and tough enough to survive in the historically constructed system men have carved out: the association of sports and the manner in which it operates. Although their desperate attempts have allowed them to chip through the first few layers of this concrete barrier in which they are faced with, their attempts to delve deeper to ultimately reach the core of its existence has been a disappointing failure. Despite the increase in female athletes participating in sports at a college and professional level, the use of female athletes as product endorsers has been limited. Some female readers like my wife has suggested that there may be an obvious media bias against female athletes and other problems related to how women’s lack of being feminine is portrayed to the public. I feel that women athletes don’t get enough recognition compared to male athletes in the media, and how they don’t appear as profitable product endorsers in magazines or commercials as men. Only five percent of media coverage is devoted to women’s sports (Adams amp; Tuggle, 2004). The time media spends to publish these articles of women athletes are significantly less; compared to their male athlete. Many companies choose not to endorse women athletes (Grau, Roselli, and Taylor, 2007). Men’s sports journalists tend to focus on coverage of team sports for men, while women’s sports coverage usually is focused on individual sports. In several articles, the media defends its biases claiming that it is what the public wants, and not all viewers are interested in women’s sports. I feel the number of women playing professional sports has drastically increased over the past decade, but the media’s news coverage of women’s sports has not increased with this movement of women in sports. On ESPN Live news radio, they have mentioned over the last ten years, there has been almost no change in the percentage of national airtime that was designated for women’s sports. Only about one in ten sports articles and TV sports stories include women while eighty-two percent of television sports stories cover men’s sports. Women make the cover of magazines or sports pages less than fifteen times a year (Huffman, Tuggle, amp; Rosengard, 2004). According to Adams and Tuggle (2004), in 1995, the length of men’s television sports stories were a little over a minute, where stories covering women’s sports were only about forty seconds. With two professional sports leagues, it was assumed that the coverage of women’s sports would increase, but this is not reality. The coverage of women’s sports on the television show, ESPN’s Sports Center, has actually decreased. In 1995, Sports Center aired about 730 stories on men and only about 30 on women. The ratio was 25:1. In 2002, 780 stories covered men’s sports. Only 16 stories were about women and the ratio was more than 48:1. ESPN did dedicate a weekend to women in sports. During this time, Sports Center only aired three stories that included a woman; the other 60 were about men. Kian, Vincent, and Mondello (2008), found that about seventy-five percent of the New York Times and USA Today’s articles covered men’s basketball. Less than one percent of the articles included both men and women, and twenty-four percent focused on just women’s basketball. Huffman, Tuggle, and Rosengard (2004) analyzed several universities’ coverage of women’s sports. Though forty-one percent of the college athletes are female, seventy-three percent of the sports newspaper articles focused on male college students. Eighty-two percent of television sports stories were dedicated to male athletes. In both newspaper articles and television stories, baseball was covered the most. Men’s basketball was twice as likely as women’s softball to be covered. Less time has been devoted to women’s sports coverage, and when it is, it is usually an individual sport compared to women’s team sports. This is a great example of The Elaboration Likelihood Model. It states that there are two routes through which persuasive messages are processed. My central route would be to provide and give examples of the statistical analysis increase in audiences viewing women’s sports, and it would be a good investment. In these modern times, women are more successful and looking for role models of strength and beauty, like a successful empowering female athlete. Celebrity women athletes can be positive catalysts in selling apparel and have great news worthiness. In my opinion, the media seems to favor women’s individual sports compared to women’s team sports. Out of 16 Sports Center stories that covered women’s sports, 12 were individual sports. Only two were about women’s basketball, though it was almost the end of the WNBA season (Adams amp; Tuggle, 2004). In the 1960’s, there were less articles on women’s Olympic sporting events compared to articles published in the 1990’s of the same genre. In 1996, 36 years later, NBC announced that woman’s team sports would be emerging. Even with this big announcement, NBC only aired a few minutes of a women’s soccer team winning the gold medal over China. They did not even have a reporter available at the women’s gold medal winning softball game. Over half of the women’s Olympics sports covered were individual sports. These sports included swimming, diving, and gymnastics. Serena Williams, a tennis player and Marian Jones, a track athlete, are the only females that have been on the cover of ESPN Magazine in the course of five years. Female athletes in individual sports are twice more likely to be in magazines than as those who play on team sports. In several related magazines like Sports Illustrated for Women, female’s models are dressed as athletes rather than real athletes and being pictured posing with props like soccer balls, to add more sex appeal to the magazine. Some journalists say this is because women’s individual sports are considered more feminine than the team sports like basketball and soccer where women look frazzled and sweaty (Grau, Roselli, and Taylor, 2007). Men’s sports are still the ones that bring in the big bucks for ticket sales and popularity. Seventy percent of the NCAA division athletic budget goes to men’s basketball and football. For every dollar that is spent on women’s sports, three dollars of the same budget is spent on men’s. For example, male coaches in almost every instance are paid more than female coaches (Huffman, Tuggle, and Rosengard, 2004). Women athletes are given much fewer multimillion dollar endorsement contracts than a male athlete. In 1998, 200 female athletes from many sports signed various endorsement contracts. The NFL alone had 250 players that signed deals with Nike. Over 400 male athletes from football, basketball, and soccer had endorsement contracts with Reebok that same year (Grau, Roselli, amp; Taylor, 2007). If the viewers wanted to see more of women’s sports, then the network would great fully air what the viewing audience would like to see. During an ESPN television show, Town Meeting, a female viewer in the audience asked the Senior Vice President and Manager of editing, why does ESPN not report more on women athlete’s and women’s sports? I can remember David Shaw turning to look at her directly in the face and saying â€Å"ESPN’s job is to report and cover the news and sports that our viewers are interested in†. He leaned forward and reiterated that their goal as a sports broadcast network was to get the highest rating possible, and they must air the sports news the public wants and will watch. Mr. Shaw also mentioned that the network cannot generate interest in women’s sports without solid data of interest, and if that is what they want to see they need to make this interest known. I feel some diehard male sports fans have a sense of Cognitive Dissonance theory. They think that it’s not cool to cheer for women’s sports, it’s not as exciting or fast paced as men’s sports. The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions or adding new ones to create a consistent belief system. An example of this would be the conflict between wanting to watch women’s sports and knowing that media doesn’t have interest ; a person may try to change their feelings about the odds that they will actually suffer the consequences, or they might add the constant element that sticking to your guns is worth short term benefits. The network does air WNBA games on ESPN and ESPN2, but they seldom air highlights. Christina Brenamen, a commentator for ESPN, said that she feels the network doesn’t care and not to expect any changes anytime soon (Adams amp; Tuggle, 2004). Grau, Roselli, and Taylor (2007) found that many companies do not use female athletes as endorsers of their products, because they think that the average female consumer does not identify with female athlete, like males do with men athletes. Some of the companies assume that the average female consumer do not fallow women’s sports. They also suggest that some female athletes are too masculine and therefore do not have sex appeal. Angelini (2008) surveyed many individuals asking views about watching men’s sports vs. women’s sports. He wanted to uncover the stereotypes that individuals have on sports. Most of the participants believed that women’s sports were not as thrilling or exciting to watch as men’s sports. Those who participated in the study were asked to watch several sports clips while their heart rate was analyzed. After the clips were watched they were asked to answer recognition questions about what they had seen. Both male and females scored higher on the recognition questions after viewing female athletes. If the heart rate increased while the participant was watching the sport, it was determined that their arousal was high. If their heart rate was stable or deceased while watching the clip, it was determined that the participant was not aroused. Though most participants said that they were more aroused when watching the men’s sports, their heart rate actually determined that their arousal rate when watching women’s sports was the same as men’s at the beginning of the clip. Toward the end of the clips of men’s sports the arousal rate actually decreased. Angelini (2008) determined that because of the way the media depicts female athletes, the public thinks that men’s sports are going to be more exciting, through with extensive physiological research determined there are really no major differences. Since Universities viewed basketball as too masculine for women to play, and did not want to represent the women athletes of their school. The NCAA did not hold a women’s Division 1 tournament until 1982. In 2004, a women’s Division 1 championship game received the highest national television rating of any women’s or men’s basketball game that had ever been on a cable channel, up to that point. After analyzing two national newspapers and two sports web sites, during the 2006 NCAA and women’s sports tournaments, five main themes seemed to emerge from all of them. One, women’s basketball players were often compared to men. Two, men were never compared to women. Three, the female athletes were often said to be experienced players because most of them had grown up playing against boys. Four, the fathers of the athletes were interviewed more often than the mothers, because of their athletic ability. Finally, gender was mentioned as a main topic compared to the articles than men’s sports. In every article men’s basketball was reported before women’s. I would assume that there would be fewer gender biased remarks from the writers, but this was not the case. Even though writers have a little more time to evaluate on what is being written, unlike live television commentary, biases often still emerged (Kian, Vincent, amp; Mondello, 2008). Though the number of women playing sports has drastically increased, the media coverage has not kept up. The women’s sports covered typically are more feminine and individual like swimming, gymnastics, tennis and golf. Those sports activities are viewed as more masculine, like basketball, soccer, and softball, received significantly less media coverage. The media blames society and society blames the media for the differences in gender bias of sports (Grau, Roselli, amp; Taylor, 2007). It is unknown if television networks such as ESPN actually do research on what people would like to watch. They do not know that fifty percent of women say they watch television sports regularly and forty-six percent of men say that watch some women’s sports (Adams, amp; Tuggle, 2004). The 2004 NCAA Division 1 women’s basketball championships received the highest rating of all college basketball before then. One would think that after this evidence of interest, women’s basketball would receive greater attention. This is a great example of Evaluation Dimension in which our inner systems (beliefs, attitudes, values, etc. all support one another and when these are also supported by external evidence, and then we have a comfortable state of affairs. We also have a very strong need to believe we are being consistent with social norms. Like in the case of following other sports fans that are interested in women’s sports. When there is conflict between behaviors that are consistent with inner systems and behaviors that are consistent with social norms. A fitting Example would be the potential threat of social exclusion often sways us towards the latter, even though it may cause significant inner dissonance. Take for example, if I would approach my fantasy football team and said; â€Å"can we create a team in women’s sports†, that would really start some conflict within my group dynamic? I feel more research needs to be conducted to determine if it is really the public that is biased, or is the media just fallowing the same trend that they always have, and they just choose to report sports in the same standardized way. If we start to challenge the idea that masculinity defines sports at the cultural level. I believe that we will one day be able to develop an ideology that teaches and defends this innovative idea of gender quality throughout the educational process. The ultimate goal being that the foundation of sports promotes and abides by the system of gender equality at the professional level of women’s sports.