Sunday, December 29, 2019

Stegoceras - Facts and Figures

Name: Stegoceras (Greek for roof horn); pronounced STEG-oh-SEH-rass Habitat: Forests of western North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (75 million years ago) Size and Weight: Up to six feet long and 100 pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Light build; bipedal posture; extremely thick skull in males About Stegoceras Stegoceras was the prime example of a pachycephalosaur (thick-headed lizard)--a family of ornithischian, plant-eating, two-legged dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous period, characterized by their extremely thick skulls. This otherwise sleekly built herbivore had a noticeable dome on its head made of almost-solid bone; paleontologists speculate that Stegoceras males held their heads and necks parallel to the ground, build up a head of speed, and rammed each other on the noggins as hard as they could. (They may also, secondarily, have used their heads to butt away the flanks of encroaching tyrannosaurs, though we have no objective proof of this behavior.) The sensible question is: What was the point of this Three Stooges routine? Extrapolating from the behavior of present-day animals, its likely that Stegoceras males head-butted each other for the right to mate with females. This theory is supported by the fact that researchers have discovered two distinct varieties of Stegoceras skulls, one of which is thicker than the other and presumably belonged to the males of the species. (However, some paleontologists dispute this theory, noting that such high-speed collisions would tend to be disadvantageous from an evolutionary perspective--for example, a dizzy, concussed Stegoceras could easily be picked off by a hungry raptor!) The type specimen of Stegoceras was named by the famous Canadian paleontologist Lawrence Lambe in 1902, following its discovery in the Dinosaur Provincial Park formation of Alberta, Canada. For a few decades, this unusual dinosaur was believed to be a close relative of Troodon (which was actually a saurischian rather than an ornithischian dinosaur, and thus resided on an entirely different branch of the dinosaur family tree), until the discovery of further pachycephalosaur genera made its provenance clear. For better or for worse, Stegoceras is the standard by which all subsequent pachycephalosaurs have been judged--which is not necessarily a good thing, considering how much confusion still exists about the behavior and growth stages of these dinosaurs. For example, the presumed pachycephalosaurs Dracorex and Stygimoloch may have been either juvenile, or unusually aged adults, of the well-known genus Pachycephalosaurus-- and at least two fossil specimens that were initially assigned to Stegoceras have since been promoted to their own genera, Colepiocephale (Greek for knucklehead) and Hanssuesia (named after the Austrian scientist Hans Suess).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Will We Love By Chris Brickler - 1120 Words

How Will We Love is a documentary that takes place when Chris Brickler begins to interview his grandparents after their 63rd anniversary. He wanted to show the film to his family to continue their legacy. As he continues this interview, seeing the dynamics of their relationship pushes him to pursuit research of how other relationships exist and face pressure of failure. The film begins to explores the different dynamics involved in love, and interaction that occurs among/within heterosexual relationships. How Will We Love demonstrates the many dynamics that could challenge a relationship from being healthy and successful. Whereas love has many happy and wonderful memories, the film also narrates the rough and persistent trials that many relationships experience. Another wonderful advantage to this film is the clear portrayal of a healthy, long lasting relationship-along with what it takes to be happy with your partner. How Will We Love correlates with Chapter 12-Divorce. One instance is when a man recalls a billboard in town that says Life is short, have an affair!. He discusses how, while he realizes it is a way to market a website, is a sad representation of how marriage is socially constructed throughout our society. I think that the man gives a good example, many outlets throughout media portray divorce and adultery as desirable and worth losing a marriage over. While marriage is slowly becoming less of a lifelong commitment, there are still many who believe

Friday, December 13, 2019

Certified Public Accountant Free Essays

They should analyze the relationship of academic performance of BAS students in their true accounting profession. There is a strong positive relationship between these two variables. Since there is a positive correlation, it reveals that there should be written policies that state the benchmark of required grades for accounting subjects in order to maintain a possible high rate of passers. We will write a custom essay sample on Certified Public Accountant or any similar topic only for you Order Now Standardized Table of Specification (TOSS) is also recommended in order to give weight on a more important topic of the program. The school is given the privilege to require standard admission requirements to the program as reflected in its manual of regulations for students (SHED, 2007). In the united States and some other countries in the west, to become a Certified public Accountant (CPA) in a specific state, you must not only finish a bachelor’s degree. You must also present some requirements that will qualify you as an applicant. In order to be qualified, there is an aptitude test that you should pass. The said test will measure not only the cognitive but also the affective side of the person taking it. In the Philippines, being a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is as hard to get as in other countries. For example, in the Far Eastern university (FIJI), Students wishing to pursue a degree in accountancy leading to the CPA examination shall be enrolled initially in BASS-Major in Internal Auditing. After completing the course requirements for the first four years of study, the student shall be granted the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Major in Internal Auditing. Qualified students will be eligible to proceed to a fifth year of study, after which they will be granted the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy which will qualify them for the CPA examination. At the end of the five-year program, the successful student shall have earned two separate degrees (BASS-IA and BAS). To simplify the situation, you have to study and finish a related course first before pursuing the degree in accountancy. There is a different scenario in other universities. There is a retention program that mandates every student to have an examination conducted yearly and pass it in order to continue studying Accountancy. If they failed to do so, they are required to shift to another business related courses. To name a few, University of the Philippines (UP), De La Sale University (DULLS), and Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) are some of the universities that regulate this program. In this instance, they should study accountancy first and if they fail, they will have no option but to pursue another business related course to continue their studies. This means a different pathway to a quite different career. In Our Lady of Fatima University (LOFT), the same retention program applies. Freshmen students, after their second semester, will take a qualifying exam and pass it for them to continue studying as a sophomore accounting student in the next school year. Sophomore students, during summer vacation, will also take a qualifying exam in order to be a junior accounting student of the university. If the students failed to pass the exam, they have no choice but to shift to another program related to BAS which they like or continue the study in accounting with the degree Of Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology (BASS), a non-board program. The study aims to know the goal of the retention program implemented in ELF] for their BAS students and if it is a necessary venture for them to take it. Statement of the Problem As accountancy students themselves, the researchers want to study and investigate the advantages and disadvantages of taking the qualifying exam of students taking up Accountancy. The researchers also want to find out the learning that the students will gain from taking the qualifying exam and if these help them to enhance their knowledge and skills in accountancy. The study also wants to express the feelings of both parties (the students and the university) on why the university should implement this kind of retention program and observe the effects of the implementation of the retention program in producing professionals of the country. The questions can be summarized as follows: 1 . What is the passing rate of accountancy students in qualifying exam in accountancy? 2. What are the struggles/difficulties met by test takers? 3. What are the benefits of the qualifying exam for accountancy students? 4. What will be the effect of this to the public? 5. How will the finding may be utilized? Sass motion/Hypothesis 1 . The passing rate of accountancy student in the qualifying exam in accountancy should be more than 50% 2. The students will face more challenges, pressure and stress before taking the test such as long time of reviewing, deprivation of their sleep, and the expectation of their parents to them. Time pressure is also one of the obstacles that should have to be overcome by the examinees during the examination. 3. The lessons that they will learn in the qualifying exam is of great help to them when they already finish the degree in accountancy. The exam will hone their potentials that they already have and use it to the career that they have chosen, and that is to be a professional accountant. 4. The qualifying exam will produce better accountant and will help in the progress of the country because they have professionals who have excellent background and expertise on the field they have chosen. 5. The findings can be a source of information in finding the season of the implementation of the said retention program. Significance of the study Accounting Department. This study would be able to give assistance to everyone in the Accounting Industry. It will be a great source of information regarding the continuous improvement of programs for the higher rate of qualified accountants. Sophomore Students of College of Business and Accountancy. The researcher will be able to assist the students who will take the qualifying exam about the proper preparations, the do’s and don’t, and other tips that will be their advantage in taking the exams. Teachers and Professors of the Program. Knowledge of this study will guide professors and other instructors in the improvement of the curriculum for the betterment of their teaching strategies that will benefit both the students and themselves as well. Future Researchers. The study would be able to give aid, support, guidance and advice to the future researchers who will also study similar issues. Some of its part could have a resemblance in their study so it would be a great comfort for them to know the facts regarding the problems alike. Scope and Delimitation This study was conducted to determine the advantages and disadvantages of taking the qualifying exam in Accountancy. The retention program implemented by the university has been advised as a basis of the learning of the students and if they are capable of taking Accountancy. This study will discover the knowledge the students will acquire in taking the qualifying exam and how it will help them improve their knowledge and skills in Accountancy. This study would be most relevant to the third year students of Our Lady of Fatima University (LOFT-Antipodal Campus) taking up the degree program of Accountancy. However, this study will not cover other branches of Our Lady of Fatima University due to time and financial constraints. It was not possible to cover a argue number of respondents because getting them required more resources, considerable time and other logistics. Materials and Methods The Researchers aim to discuss the advantages and disadvantages Of students taking the qualifying examination in Accountancy which today’s concerned of accountancy students who wants to graduate as accountants however they required to pass the qualifying examination first. The information related to the topic is gathered in different references such as books, research papers, online sources and survey questionnaire. The Researcher chose selected third year Accountancy students of Our Lady f Fatima University as their respondents. The particular student will answer the provided survey forms that indicated information on what are their views (advantages and disadvantages) on taking the qualifying examination. The data will be analyzed through the use of a table that serves as the summary of the response or the answer of the respondents who took the survey question. In addition, the Researcher will also ask some faculty of College of Business and Accountancy about their opinions in the advantages and disadvantages of taking the qualifying examination for the students. Definition of terms Accountancy. How to cite Certified Public Accountant, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Institution Affiliation Information Technology

Question: Discuss about the Institution Affiliation for Information Technology. Answer: Introduction Information Technology has effectively changed the phase of business worldwide. It has made companies and other small business organizations to thrive and maximize profit and efficiency. Supply chains needs to be monitored to ensure that the business does not incur unexpected loss. Companies and other organizations need embrace the new technological processes of offering services to the customers (Anderson, 1999). They also need to know how handle the customers since in every business, customer and the client are the focus. Several companies wholly included IT in their practices, which has been very fruitful. This paper gives detailed information of business organization by the name Classic Accessories and the importance of the IT in the businesses. Need of IT in Classic Accessories In this 21st generation, every business needs to have an IT system in its daily schemes. The following are the reasons as to why IT might be a necessity in any business. Security is one of the rising issues that prove the inevitability of IT in a business. With the increased intellects in the IT fields, there is the need to secure every data that the company or the organization owns. Hackers have their role in the society where they find any loophole in any business organization where the data can leak through. Whenever they find access to the data, they will jeopardize the company. A business idea might leak and it ends up being utilized by another organization. Any business organization needs to have adequate IT experts to curb such incidences of cybercrime. IT systems in business reduce manual labor force therefore maximizing the profit. Automated machines are very efficient and they might serve even better compared to human labor. A good example is the bank. The ATMs are proficient compared to the cashiers. They are not limited to time like the cashiers therefore, if any business needs to be good at its job, they need to lay plans of using IT knowledge in the whole organization (Frith, 2008) Importance of IT in Business Survival Classic accessories require to process data and information in time. Market intelligence and communications are also important for the company. All these can be done in time and excellently with the help of proper IT approaches. Following are the reasons why IT is weighty in the business. Assimilation of Investors IT plays this very vital role in the business fields. Stakeholders are kept in touch with any function happening in the business. There is high interconnectivity that is achieved with Websites and other clouds that a company might employ to convey their information. Analysts get significant information from the Internet that helps the business organization with other organizations. Merchandise Enhancement The spun of time that is required for the finished goods to reach to the final stage, that is the market can be reduced with the use of IT. Collection of market information is quite relevant since is one of the crucial processes that the production process depend on(Englander, 2000). This is done online and very fast, which makes this process simpler. Machines employed in the production process also make the whole process of product development smooth. Reduction of Production Cost Although initial installation process might be expensive, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. When IT is used effectively in a business, integral process like the customer services are improve. Customers might even order the products online and delivery is done. There is reduction of the transaction cost, which is felt when the company does not employ IT. Globalization With internet, it has been very easy to access any product from any part of the world. Businesses can use the websites that are marketing related to gather market information and to sell out their brands there. Price Evaluation Managers can use established platforms with IT to compare different prices of diverse goods. There is software that can be used to evaluate sales and other operation metrics that are carried out in that business organization. It is does not require a lot of compilation and perusing through many books but therefore it is cheaper. It does not require a lot of time. Events of the day can be analyzed within few minutes with the use of this IT based software. IT Requirements in business A business organization must be ready to incur cost to mount the see IT software used in various market processes. Machines needs to be bought, installation and designing the websites will require some cash. IT experts are also required since nonprofessional cannot operate these machines. Planning is also required. All these processes require calculated tactics. The positions of these machines and the location are schemed. They should be in the right place where they are required i.e. offices. Business organizations should link up with the best service provider like the cloud designers. Cloud is vital since the clients contact the organizations through the established cloud. It is through the cloud that SLA(Service Level Agreement) that the company will interact with the customers. Training the employees how to handle and use the software that are IT based is an inclusive process of the whole plan. The employees need to be taught how to keep the information confidential and avoid cases where there is data leakage to irrelevant persons. Skilled personnel are required with satisfactory IT knowledge to ensure the company or the organization flourishes. How Classic Accessories Business Uses IT Classic accessories have embraced the IT in its endeavors. There is a healthy interaction of the customers in diverse platforms, the social media and the websites that it has put up. Different products that are new in the market are advertised through the media (Aitken, 2000). Customers have the authority of ordering these products online and they pay on delivery. There are similar business entities that have embraced the same idea. They are stated as follows. It is used in several businesses all over the world. Health centers have incorporated IT system in their duties. Scanning is currently done using a modernized technology (Computed Tomography) it is fast. Doctors use it to scan cancerous cells. Bone fractures are also evaluated using the same method. Gaming is the other field that has used the IT knowledge to carry out inventions. Animated pictures with the knowledge of IT have been used in the most popular gaming apps. The likes of cartoon network and other advertising engines use the information technology in the games and coming up with new game applications (Hein, 2013) Concurrently, the libraries have hired the Information Knowledge to make the access to the libraries material easy. The likes of periodicals, journals and referential materials are registered with particular application online. Any time a reader wants to use any book, he or she will key in the particulars of the book in a monitor computer and they will find the book easily. The airlines are not left behind in the application of the IT knowledge. The airplanes are monitored using the information system. The black box is in an airplane is the gadget that helps to trace the plane and observe its movement. This IT knowledge is also used in the entrance of these airports. Illegal armory is detected with these scans (Huber, 2001) The best example to give where Information Technology have been fully comprised. Airing the intended information to the public is done through the application of this IT. Digital waves are transmitted from the source to the consumer (Strimpel, 1997). The social media also uses the same knowledge. Facebook is the functional example. IT has the cloud that many people all over the world access information from. Impacts of IT on business. It might have a negative of a positive impact on a business. The following are the positive(advantages) and negative (disadvantages/failures) impacts of the IT on the business. Advantages of IT in Business Information Technology has been used in various companies. High revenue has been the direct outcome of the whole process. When the cost of production is observed, the profit will also be maximized on the other hand (Hemmington, 1997). Manual labor force reduced will equally lead to increase in the profit in the end. Globalization has been enhanced through the use of IT. The world at large has been made to a global village where you can access information about any part of the world with ease. Observing market forces can be done easily since the most companies post their products online (Steward, 2008) Information Technology goes hand in hand with cost reduction. Unwanted expenses are reduced i.e. employing people to market the products will be more expensive compared to the marketing done online. The last but not the least advantage of Information Technology is that it is used to safeguard the companys vital information. This information is secured using the passwords that are well set to avoid leakages of the data. Risks of IT to Businesses The main threat posed by IT to businesses is cyber-bullying. This has been an alarming menace to numerous businesses all over the world. Not all employs are cautious therefore, confidentiality of the information is compromised (Scott, 1984). If any information is disclosed to the wrong parties of the business, these parties can use the information to reduce the business to zero. They can also use the loophole to prejudice about the company (Stone, 1999). If the society gets the wrong information about a business, then the stakeholders will reduce their support to the organization involved in business. Monitoring and Maintaining IT in Business Business event in a company can be monitored with Remote Connectivity, where there is a PC that used to observe all the proceedings in the organizations. It is also important to employ qualified people to work with the organization (Rich, 2013) Conclusion In conclusion, IT has revolutionized business. There is a difference between an organization that does not use Information Technology in its dealings and the one that has fully encompassed IT. It is important for a company to use the new strategies that IT has introduces in the business fields. Bibliography Aitken, P. (2000) (Tips on Scanning) Available: https:// www.pgacon (Accessed: 2016 May 28 ) Anderson, D (1999), (The PC Technology Guide), Available: (Accessed: 2016 May 28 ) Englander, I. (2000), The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software. New York Grotta, D., Wiener, S. (1998) Whats now, Whats next (PC Magazine) Available: (Accessed: 2016 May 28 ) John Steward, (2008), (Why Business Need IT Support). (Accessed: 2016 May 28 ) Keith Frith,( 2008), (Business Technology and Customer Support): Information Technology (Accessed: 2016 May 28 ) Bass, P.Clements R.Kazman. (Software Architecture in Practice) Addison Wesley Nick Huber,( 2001), (Airlines Redefine IT role in The Business). O.B.R. Strimpel, (1997) (Computer Graphics) Mc Graw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Rich Hein, (2013), (Healthcare IT Roles).Available: https:// (Accessed: 2016 May 28) Stone, M.D. (1999), Speeds and feeds: How to choose a scanner (PC Maganizine) S.M. Hemmington, (1997) (Soft Science) Saakatoon. University of Saskatchewan. D. Scott (1984) (Information technology In Australia) W. D. Scott Co.